Meetings will be held monthly. For Full Council meetings and planning these are held on the third Wednesday of the month commencing at 6.30 pm except when otherwise indicated on the agenda. Please check the agenda for the location of the meeting as this may change month to month due to hall availability.

If you have a matter you wish to raise with the Parish Council you are welcome to attend the meetings, where there is a public participation period at the beginning of each meeting. If you are unable to attend then please write to the Parish Council c/o The Clerk.

You are browsing Agendas and Minutes for the year 2025

Select time period to view meetings from:
Meeting DateMeeting TitleAgendasMinutes
Wed 22nd Jan, 2025Parish Council Meeting Download Download
Wed 19th Feb, 2025Parish Council Meeting Download
Meeting DateMeeting TitleAgendaMinutes
Wed 23rd Oct, 2024Allotment Committee Meeting Download Download
Mon 29th Apr, 2024Allotment Commitee Download Download
Wed 11th Oct, 2023Allotment Committee Meeting Download Download
Wed 31st May, 2023Allotment Committee Meeting Download Download
Wed 22nd Feb, 2023Allotment Committee Meetings Download Download
Thu 10th Feb, 2022Allotment Committee Meeting Download Download
Fri 16th Jul, 2021Allotment Committee Download Download
Thu 17th Jun, 2021Allotment Committee Download Download
Thu 1st Apr, 2021Allotment Committee Download Download
Meeting DateMeeting TitleAgendaMinutes
Wed 19th Apr, 2023Planning Committee Meeting Download Download
Wed 15th Mar, 2023Planning Committee Meeting Download Download
Wed 15th Feb, 2023Planning Committee Meeting Download Download
Wed 25th Jan, 2023YWPC Planning Committee Meeting – rescheduled (postponed 18 Jan 23) Download Download
Wed 16th Nov, 2022Planning Committee Meeting Download Download
Wed 19th Oct, 2022Planning Committee Download Download
Wed 20th Jul, 2022Planning Meeting Download Download
Wed 20th Apr, 2022Planning Committee Meeting Download Download
Wed 16th Feb, 2022Planning Committee Meeting Download Download
Wed 19th Jan, 2022Planning Committee Meeting Download Download
Wed 21st Jul, 2021Planning Committee (Informal) Download Download
Wed 23rd Jun, 2021Planning Committee Meeting Download Download
Meeting DateMeeting TitleAgendaMinutes
Thu 14th Nov, 2024Staffing Committee Download Download
Wed 29th Nov, 2023Staffing Committee Meeting Download Download
Wed 15th Feb, 2023Staffing Committee Meeting Download Download
Mon 31st Oct, 2022Staffing Committee Download Download
Tue 18th Oct, 2022Staffing Committee
This meeting is to be held at Wyndham Park Community Hub
 Download Download
Wed 27th Jul, 2022Staffing Committee Download Download
Wed 16th Mar, 2022Staffing Committee Meeting Download Download
Thu 18th Feb, 2021Staffing Committee Meeting Download Download
Wed 2nd Sep, 2020Staffing Committee Meeting Download Download
Meeting DateMeeting TitleAgendaMinutes
Wed 29th Nov, 2023Environment Committee Meeting Download Download
Wed 27th Sep, 2023Environment Committee Download Download
Wed 31st May, 2023Environment Committee Meeting Download Download
Wed 22nd Feb, 2023Environment Committee Download Download