Parish Council Services

Yeovil Without has a Parish Council of fifteen members and a Parish Clerk.

All meetings start at 7:00 pm, except where indicated on the published agenda.

There is a Parish Annual Assembly every year between April and 1st June where the Parish Council and local organisations report to the community and the parishioners can raise issues and discuss them in open forum.

The monthly Parish Council meetings are open to the public, generally informal, and include an ‘open forum’ when members of the public can bring matters of interest to the attention of the council. The District councillor generally present and county councillors and the local PCSO sometimes attend.

Agendas for the meetings are posted on the 7 parish notice boards around the parish and this website at least three days before the meetings.

The noticeboards are located in the following areas:

  • Coronation Avenue – outside the Johnson Park Sports Club gates
  • Greenwood Road – grass verge adjacent to the bus shelter.
  • Mudford Road – adjacent to the Hundredstone bus shelter
  • Cavalier Way – Tesco Express wall
  • Yeovil Marsh – Yeovil Marsh Village Hall wall
  • Shackleton Road, Wyndham Park – adjacent to play area
  • Drake Road, Wyndham Park – Circus grassed area

The responsibilities of the council are varied and include:

  • Looking after the children’s play area situated within Johnson Park Sports Club.
  • Hire the services of a Parish Ranger to help maintain the parish
  • Liaising with the county council on highway safety and repair.
  • Liaising with the county council on public transport matters affecting the parish.
  • Liaising with the county council on the state of footpaths and other rights of way
  • The parish council is consulted on all planning applications within the parish, and on major planning applications in neighbouring parishes. The parish council is also consulted on tree orders within the conservation area
  • Making grants to organisations from council funds.
  • Liaising with the police on matters of concern within the parish
  • Litter picking and provision and maintenance of dog bins.
  • Monitoring drainage and ditches throughout the parish and actioning as and when necessary.
  • Making environmental improvements as and when thought appropriate.
  • Regularly locate a Speed Indicator Device in different approved (Highways) locations within the parish, to help encourage safer speeds

The council income comes mainly from the district council and the current Yeovil Without precept is £90,421 p.a. as of 2020/2021. This is made up of two elements General Precept £70.328 and Cemetery Deficit of £20,093.

Yeovil Without is part owner of the Crematorium with South Somerset District Council and part owner of the Cemetery with Yeovil Town Council


An allotment site comprising some 27 plots is located near to Yeovil Marsh.

The allotments are administered by the parish council, rent it £16.50 (2021/2022)  per year (1st April – 31st Mar) and increases annually by 50p.

If you are interested in renting an allotment plot and would like to be added to the waiting list, then please contact the Clerk (